Rosa and I thank the Lord for all the blessings He has given in our life. Just to be able to tell people about the love and faith everyone can have in the Lord is one of the biggest blessings we have.
The month of May was a busy month for us. We were invited by Ron Hayes to spend 10 days in Florence, Alabama and he scheduled me to speak at four different congregations. I spoke on Love and Faith, and also on how God has blessed my life. Thorough this I was invited to give two devotionals, one was at a Hospice organization and the other in a facility Rehab for people struggling with drugs and alcohol addiction.
It is my prayer I gave everyone that heard me the hope and desire to know no matter what position they are in life God can take over, and make a wonderful change. And in a contrast one of these congregations is in a city that was hit by a tornado, they had advertised in the paper that I was going to be there so people could be encouraged that God will lift them back up. Through my example in life that God can turn any obstacles into something positive will give any one the faith and persistent to carry one. I was invited by Prestoncrest church of Christ in Dallas twice to give Sunday morning Bible classes.
The work at the prison library continues to go well. During the month of May, 55 men gave their life to the Lord in baptism. We ask your prayers for us and for the work that we do. Thank you for your continued support.
Love in Christ,
Robert and Rosa
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